Friday, February 24, 2006

I've created Pod-loss fear; sorry.

Tonight I learned my good friend has developed fear of Pod loss, after I shared my story at a party a few weeks back.

But it's the very unthinkableness of losing the iPod that has me flummoxed and in stasis. People don't lose iPods easily. I'm unable to explain how I did. I don't want her to be anxious. This is blue moon territory. If she's less happy with her iPod now, I'm unhappy about that, and terribly sorry to have brought that fear to her.

If I had my iPod, I'd make an on-the-go playlist of songs about regrets and loss. But as you know...


Derve Swanson said...


Put up a pay pal button and let your readers help you buy a new ipod?

Of course, there goes this blog then...

Derve Swanson said...

Thank you, E.!